You Are an Eternal Being Occupying a Level 1 Shell on a Level 1 Planet

The title of this article may sound like a synopsis for a very promising sci-fi movie, but in fact it’s about your life, your existence and your process of soul evolution. It’s about you right now!

There is a movie with Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks, which enjoys a very high rating on IMDB, called Defending Your Life. The premise of this movie nails the process of soul evolution. This movie portrays life on our planet as basically a low form of existence and our main mission as eternal spirits is to free ourselves from Earth and move up to higher and more evolved experiences. The main cause of being stuck here is fear. We are creatures of fear and need to overcome it in order to evolve higher. This theme is very much in keeping with the message of ancient mystics.

Today’s spa spirituality has moved away from the principals of soul evolution into a culture of just focusing on feeling good, which is not unique in any way. All creatures want to feel good in their own way, even tyrants, dictators and sociopaths. However if you are one of the lucky few who is actually serious about your spiritual growth then continue reading.

True mystics have always called life on this planet an illusion or Maya and set their highest aim at breaking their cycle of birth and death on Earth. For a real mystic the only intention is freeing itself form this prison called Earth and this is exactly the topic of Defending Your Life also the main theme for wildly popular The Matrix trilogy. In The Matrix the planet is a simulation and you’re being used as batteries. Simulation, Maya or illusion all basically are saying the same thing. Now what percentage of people practicing spa spirituality today would even consider the concept of soul-liberation? My guess would be almost none.

How ironic is it that an eternal, timeless and ageless spirit would willfully allow itself to be stuck in a biological shell that begins deconstructing almost immediately. We all have heard of beings living for hundreds or thousands of years, then why our bodies are so fragile and why do they decay so quickly? Due to lack of self-awareness and being cocooned in fear we accept these fast-decaying, level 1 biological shells that are chemically dependent as home. We accept lifetime after lifetime of anxiety on a planet that is also level 1, meaning it’s not evolved and allows massive amount of violence, corruption, hypocrisy, destruction and genocide to occur on daily basis.

If you have made it to this part, you should pat yourself on the back. Your mission as a self-guided eternal entity, if you choose to accept, is to follow the promise of mystics and aim to free yourself from a level 1 shell on a level 1 planet. And you do that with the power of your mind and willingness to rise above fear and accept control of your own destiny not handing it over to someone or something else. No red pill required!

tags: #shahramshiva #rumi #yoga #love #wisdom #thematrix #soulevolution #growth #themind #maya



Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)
Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Written by Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Valentino St. Germain is an author, poet, recording artist and award-winning translator of Rumi. He is an Ascension Master and teacher of advanced spirituality

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