The Matrix 4 Resurrections and Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Impressions by a Modern Mystic

Topics Include:

2 Great Universes
The Nostalgia Cash Cow
Star Trek: Picard — Season 2
Back to The Future — Earth
Picard S2 — Key Plot
The Matrix 4 Resurrections
Lyrics to White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane (1967)
A New Matrix Trilogy — T&N
The Plot Revealed
A Monster Hit?
All a Simulation — There is No Karma — There is Only Attachment
Soulmates, Twinflames and Hormones
You Are Alpha & Omega

When 2 of my favorite sci-fi universes launch new trailers for their latest releases, I pay attention. Even though it has become painfully obvious that both of these franchises are pandering to their devotees and providing total fan service of pure nostalgia. Both trailers are incredibly faithful to their respective canons.

It seems that we have run out of new sci-fi storylines and are forever stuck in a loop, not unlike The Matrix, with such familiar characters as Neo, Trinity, Morpheus vs the Matrix. Picard, Seven of Nine and Q. Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and variations on Darth Vador. And of course, Kirk, Bones and Spock. Let’s not forget countless comic book superheroes. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kirk, Skywalker or Neo get reintroduced to new generation of viewers decades from now. If they worked in 1966 or 1977 or 1999 and are still relevant in 2021, they will also be relatable decades from now. Remember, Superman was first introduced in 1938 and Batman in 1939 and they are a hot property to this day.

The Nostalgia Cash Cow

George Lukas famously wanted to push the storyline of Star Wars forward and keep coming up with new characters facing new challenges. However, Disney had other ideas. Why try the unknown when they can have the sure thing with nostalgia? Don’t underestimate the power of a cash cow. The force of a cash cow is very strong in whole of our entertainment industry. The pattern of milking a franchise with endless loops and rehashing of the same stories is now the norm in the industry. As the, surprisingly exciting, The Matrix 4 trailer proves.

I have referenced The Matrix many times in my books and writings and wrote several articles on the Season 1 of Star Trek: Picard, right here on my Medium platform.

This review contains spoilers on both the Star Trek: Picard Season 2 and The Matrix 4 Resurrections. You’ve been warned.

Star Trek: Picard — Season 2

Let’s start with ST: Picard. I am so glad that they are shifting away from the original storyline of chasing after Synthetic beings (androids). That ridiculous plotline got massive amount of backlash because it didn’t make any sense. Way too many plot holes and convenient storylines. The fact that a near 90-year-old Picard becomes a Synth at the end, yet with no special abilities, nor extended life span is one of the biggest missteps in Trek history. And the entire season 1 revolved around a simple premise that the Synths are bad and the Romulans can’t stand them. But somehow a few hundred cutting edge Romulan military vessels couldn’t put a dent in a tiny population of a couple of dozen Synths, living on a small property, on a lone and out of the way planet. Come on! That’s just sci-fi trash. Glad to see that most of Season 1 could potentially be excused as a glitch in the timeline to be corrected by the guidance (or resistance) of Q, the Borg Queen and time travel (sounds familiar?). A sort of a dream, not unlike the Matrix. And thankfully we’re moving head first into pure Trek nostalgia at warp 9.8 with the Season 2.

Back to The Future — Earth

One of Star Trek’s most staple storylines is a visit to our current timeline (or a timeline near present) by almost every franchise, starting with the original series. They even used this plotline in 2 very successful Trek movies, The Voyage Home and First Contact. The fact that they decided to dust off this fan favorite plotline for the Season 2 of Picard is a clear indication that they (hopefully) have stopped fighting the fans and decided to give in to the diehards and give them what they want, rather than coming up with unpopular, nonsensical storylines just to “attract new viewers,” which didn’t happen.

As I mentioned above, the economics of the power of nostalgia has solidly been established by the relaunch of sci-fi universes like Star Wars using old favorite characters. The same is true with the Picard S2 and The Matrix 4. Nostalgia works!

Picard S2 — Key Plot

In the Star Trek: Picard Season 2, Q (a popular character from TNG) is back and our new/old team is going back to the present Earth — Los Angeles to be exact. Of course, LA is the home of the Trek studio and shooting here in the present time saves huge production costs. Obviously, the lowest cost sci-fi movie would be set in the present time, rather than expensive sets and massive CGI. However, that’s not the only reason for this decision. Star Trek: The Voyage Home movie is among the top-3 most popular Trek films. The other 2 are the Wrath of Khan and First Contact (also about going back to a past period on Earth to save the future) and just like First Contact, the ST: Picard brings back the Borg Queen, who seems to be under some type of restraint and probably in a protective custody of humans. Maybe the Borg Queen is in a witness protection program by the Federation to keep her safe from the Corleone family. Why not? Let’s double the nostalgia to double the fun and revenue. Just kidding, of course, on the Corleone, but the Trek universe is no stranger to the plotlines involving the Mob, dating back to the TOS with A Piece of the Action.

The Matrix 4 Resurrections

I admit, the trailer to The Matrix 4 is very powerful. I think the trailer is a total homerun. Also, running the hit song, White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane (1967) in the background really puts it over the top. I am going to share the poignant lyrics to that iconic song below. It’s important for it to be read word by word.

Lyrics to White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane (1967)

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small,
And the ones that mother gives you
Don’t do anything at all.

Go ask Alice
When she’s ten feet tall.

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you’re going to fall,
Tell ’em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call.

Call Alice
When she was just small.

When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you’ve just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low.

Go ask Alice
I think she’ll know.

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s “off with her head!”
Remember what the dormouse said:
“Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head”

A New Matrix Trilogy — T&N

The trailer alone shows incredible editing prowess. This could easily be one of the most successful trailers in recent years. However, the storyline is a familiar one. There is Neo, Trinity, agent Smith, Morpheus, Zion, red and blue pills, possibly a new Oracle and a new character called the Analyst that replaces the Architect from the original trilogy. M4 will show new Zombie like beings as well, just to merge another popular franchise with the Matrix universe. The good guys still move in and out of the Matrix or within different facets or layers of it. And all evidence points to a launch of a new trilogy, as this seems to be a new/old beginning of the agent-fighting duo of Neo and Trinity, or to be more accurate Trinity and Neo. Trinity, as the holy mother, is now in command. Neo as the Christ figure is now sitting on her lap, like in a Pietà.

The Plot Revealed

If you search on YouTube you’ll come across a detailed leaked plot for the Matrix 4. It was shared from those who have seen the early cuts of the full film. I’ll mention just the overall arc of the story. The Matrix 4 is set 60 years after the Revolutions. The machine god, Deus Ex Machina, has revived both Neo’s and Trinity’s bodies and they are kept in unique and isolated pods. However, their Residual Self Images in the Matrix are initially unaware of their past. Neo’s thoughts are being constantly suppressed with an endless prescription of mind and memory inhibiting blue pills prescribed by The Analyst (a machine). Eventually some Red Pills get to Neo and attempt at waking him up. He is joined ultimately by a Red Pilled Trinity and together they form an unstoppable force. From what they shared on YouTube, they both fly into the screen together in the final shot as a clear indication of more sequels to come. This is of course just a very simple overview of the new Matrix, there is a lot more to the story with agent Smith, Merovingian, a non-human Morpheus and zombies all making appearances.

A Monster Hit?

I don’t think anyone has any doubt that the new Matrix 4 is going to be a mega hit. This could easily become the biggest hit among latest releases and possibly even bigger than the original trilogy, because the myth and the legend of The Matrix is so much greater now than it was 20 years ago.

All a Simulation — There is No Karma — There is Only Attachment

The Matrix universe is perhaps one of the most instrumental vehicles in awakening of the public to the concepts of ascension and our perceived reality as mere illusion. The great mystics of the past consistently warned those, who were ready to hear, with the 3 rules of ascension and true freedom from this planet of fear, violence and oppression. Those rules are, intention, overcoming fear and lack of attachments. I don’t use the word Karma, because it doesn’t exist. It’s just another method of control and fear inducing terminology. There is no such thing as Karma, nothing binds you to anything, except your own desires, wants and needs. The entire universe is a projection of your own mind and psyche, when you learn to expand your mind and shake up your attachments and dust off your false beliefs, your consciousness expands many folds.

Soulmates, Twinflames and Hormones

Think of the concept of attachment in this way. Person A is a 19-year-old who feels deeply in love with Person B, enough that they might kill themselves for that love. They tell one another every day how much they love each other. They use terms like soulmates and twinflames. A couple of years later, Person A is totally over the whole thing and doesn’t even want to hear from Person B. In fact, P-A kicks itself later for being so naïve and feeling so silly. Where did all that love, need and attachment go? Nowhere! The entity in this example has now moved beyond that phase and that particular attachment no longer binds it. Person A now directs its energy to new interests. “Soulmate” now seems old fashioned, because the term Twinflames has entered the mainstream, now every dating app hookup is a Twinflame.

If you’ve kept up with my writings, you’d know that although we are spiritually immortal, but when we occupy these low-grade bodies on this low-density planet, we can’t expect too many miracles. They will emerge later, in higher dimensions or in the spiritual realms. Concepts like Twinflames and such are rather impossible at this primitive level. Even if there is a meet of the 2 at this level, there is a good chance one of the parties involved will dash out of the relationship at warp speed. Such connections could prove highly distressful at this basic level of physicality.

­­You Are Alpha & Omega

You are the beginning and the end. You are the alpha and the omega. When you exist, everything exists and when your soul doesn’t, nothing does. Don’t occupy so much of your time with horoscopes, astrology, so-called gurus, bowing to idiotic statues and finding soulmates. Don’t you ever wonder, why every 18-year-old is in love with the “love of their life?” Just so to move on a bit later and be with the next “love of their life.” And so on.

I call these bottom shelf bodies, Fast Decaying Biological Shells that are Chemically Dependent. I also called them Biological Androids. 98% of who you think you are is dictated to you by your hormones. You are not your bodies. Stop being tossed around by every catch phrase that’s being pushed by the mainstream. The greatest take away from all this has already been explored in The Matrix universe. You can easily bend the laws of physics or rules of human interaction if you fully believe in yourself and your own infinite power. You are eternal. You are all powerful. All you need is Clarity of Intention.



Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Valentino St. Germain is an author, poet, recording artist and award-winning translator of Rumi. He is an Ascension Master and teacher of advanced spirituality