The Matrix 4 Resurrections Analysis — How to Successfully Kill a Franchise — Is ‘The Matrix 5: Mr. Mom’ Next?

The original Matrix (1999) was a miracle of filmmaking and true miracles in the world of cinema are extremely rare. Don’t confuse miraculous films with great movies. Miraculous films bring with them immense deal of shock and awe, plus they totally change the trajectory of the art and business of filmmaking. There is a simple rule about such rare films, their lucky directors can normally pull them off only once in their lifetimes.

Citizen Kane Moment

The Wachowskis are among a handful of such creators/directors in this super elite club. However, it has become painfully obvious through many failed subsequent attempts that their onetime Orson Welles Citizen Kane moment is long gone. I didn’t see the original Matrix when it came out in ’99. I was a total film snub back then and was only watching Indies, foreign, classics and movies from the great directors. So, a big budget, comic book style production, wasn’t on my radar then. I have since become a fan and have made references to The Matrix in my writings.

The Matrix Launched the Ascension Movement

There is no doubt that The Matrix launched the current ascension and 5D movement in yoga and spirituality. It brought the mystical concept of the world as an illusion front and center in the most vivid and powerful fashion. Of course, the simulation principle was not a surprise to us modern mystics. It’s one of the key principles in the self-realization and self-liberation process.

Possibly the Most Dissected Film

The original version and by association the whole Matrix trilogy have been discussed and dissected continuously since inception. Only Kubrick’s The Shining and 2001: A Space Odyssey have experienced similar levels of consistent analyses.


What the Fans Say?

The original Matrix may be a triumph of filmmaking but the feedback from the fans on the new sequel is not positive. They say why even try for a remake? Why pour jello all over that brilliant diamond that is the original trilogy? What would №. 4 accomplish, except to destroy The Matrix’s legacy and alienate the fans?

Why All the Hate?

The Matrix Resurrections is getting hammered by negative fan reviews. The fandom is extremely disappointed that Lana Wachowski wasn’t able to accomplish the impossible task of repeating the magic of the original. They watched this movie hoping to be blown away (again) with next level effects, new philosophical concepts, new ways of hand-to-hand combat, amazing new characters and perhaps even cooler wardrobes, shades and hair styles. But all they got are overload of exposition, sub-par, poorly executed familiar effects and action scenes, an intentional mockery of the original trilogy, shabby RSIs, same old story arc, and disappointing new sanctuary, Io, that’s being run by fearful, narrowminded fools. To the fans, the biggest let down is that the real savior is not Neo any more — it’s the Mother Superior.

The Pieta Effect: The Mother Superior is Now in Charge and the Savior is Sitting on Her Lap

This new Matrix that promised to be so progressive, turned out to be real old-fashioned by mimicking the Church and placing the Mother Superior above the Savior. And just like in a Pieta, the Christ figure is now resting on the Mother’s lap. If I were to summarize the current backlash of the fans in 2 points they would be: 1- The sad, vengeful and pitiful General Niobe in charge of the show on the so-called real world. 2- The Mother Superior (Trinity) is now the savior.

There is no “Choice” — The Matrix is All Encompassing

In the original trilogy, The Architect already explained that they needed Zion to maintain harmony in the Matrix, hence it’s logical to assume that Io is also a creation of the machines. We know from years of analyses of The Matrix that the “choice” between the blue and the red pills is an illusion created by the machines to subdue the humans and there is no escaping the Matrix. Both the “real” and the Matrix worlds are rebooted each cycle. In the Matrix universe, The Matrix is all encompassing.

How the Writers Openly Defined the Popularity of The Matrix in the Movie

The Matrix 4 replays the events and the brainstorming sessions that took place to bring it to reality. It explains that Warner Brothers not only wanted a sequel, and a new trilogy, but they would have released it with or without the Wachowskis.

They explain that the old Matrix was about the following:

Original and fresh ideas.

Switching on people’s synaptic light.

Bringing about the ‘what the hell is going on’ moment.

Guns, lots of guns.


Mind porn.

Philosophy wrapped in a shiny and tight PVC pipe.



A metaphor for capitalist exploitation.

Freeing your mind.

Bullet Time.

The team also discusses that:

The Matrix 4 shouldn’t be just another reboot, retread, regurgitated… Yet reboots sell.

It should revolutionize filmmaking again.

Ideas are the new sexy.

Mindless action scenes don’t make the brand.

Movies, games and narratives are dead.

Media is nothing but a neuro-trigger response, a viral conditioning.

Self-Perpetuating Prophecy

It’s obvious that they knew precisely what made the original work, yet they intentionally decided to create the reboot about esoteric and religious concepts, such as the perils of personal and spiritual growth, layers of illusion and mind manipulation, twinflames and Trinity in charge. There is a line in the movie that says, not all wish to be free. In fact, I’d argue that almost all wish to be enslaved, explaining the planet-wide “the savior” agenda that plagues every single culture in our world. This long-established global programming dictates to the people that they shouldn’t try to grow or elevate spiritually, “the savior” will do all the work for them. 98% of the population have bought into this programing.

Gorgeous Dialog on Existentialism

I discuss “the savior” programming in my writings. In fact, almost all the dialog on existentialism in The Matrix 4 is already reflected rather verbatim in my books and editorials.

Here’s a list of powerful lines on self-empowerment and personal growth from The Matrix 4:

Feelings are so much easier to control than facts.

The worse they treat us, the more they manipulate us, the more energy we produce. Meaning more feed for the controllers.

If we don’t know what’s real, then we can’t resist the simulation.

Matrix weaponizes every dream and turns it against us.

Your own brain tortures you, maximizing output for the machines to feast on.

Definition of our reality: Fear and Desire. Yearning for what you don’t have, dreading losing what you do.

It is so much simpler to bury reality than it is to dispose of dreams.

You can paint the sky with rainbows, but the sheeple aren’t going anywhere. They like this world. They don’t want sentimentality. They don’t want freedom or empowerment. They crave the comfort of certainty. They want to be controlled.

What They Got Wrong on Existentialism

Self-empowerment, personal growth, enlightenment and self-realization are about the power of the individual. Wachowskis obviously only partially believe in such principles, since they heavily promote, the oppositive, dependency. The entire subtext of The Matrix 4 is that you must have dependency on someone else otherwise you are worthless. They claim that you need a partner to amount to something and to have real power. This is an extremely archaic and hyper conservative core principle from a team that claims to be Woke. This is highly disturbing, in fact quite insulting to the principles of spiritual growth.

The Inexcusable High Hypocrisy of this Film

How can the individuals in the entertainment industry who claim to hate guns, glorify them to the extreme? There are a few thousands rounds of blanks on a few dozen guns used in this movie. The sexiest shots in the movie are of them handling and using guns. Guns are also used in the promotional materials.

How can the entertainment industry that claims to hate violence, promote it to the extreme? There is a complete lack of value associated with human life in this movie. Many hundreds of people are killed, shot, blown away and beaten to death without a single ounce of remorse or moment of pause. Humans are shown throwing themselves by the hundreds from the high floors of buildings, and our so-called protagonists just find them annoying.

And what so called red-pilled culture would accept a sad, narrowminded, vengeful tyrant as a ruler?

Plot Holes Like Swiss Cheese

The red pills argue that by placing their new city behind a computer generated hologram, the machines who are themselves programs wouldn’t be able to detect the town. Wow!

Even though Neo and Trinity are now super batteries and the machine’s most important assets, yet there is no security alert associated with tampering with their pods.

There is a very simple rule in script writing, any action film is only as good as its villain and here the new villain sucks. The old Matrix was formidable, highly manipulative and intelligent. It was always 100 steps ahead of the red pills. The new one is pathetic. The new ruler of The Matrix is a silly little man-child with no real powers (no reflection on the actor playing the role). The Matrix is portrayed as dumb, pathetic, unaware and a wasteful system. It’s key method of fighting the red pills is to waste thousands of batteries by having them jump from buildings to their death.

Every character in this film is a mere shadow of the original show, even Neo. Some of the fans of the original are calling The Matrix 4 lazy filmmaking and it is.

The Matrix 5: Mr. Mom?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the future Matrix 5, be titled “The Matrix: Mr. Mom.” Here Neo stays at home to raise the kids as Trinity goes to work walking through mirrors. And the final segment to this new trilogy could be called “The Matrix: Irreconcilable Differences.” In Matrix 6, Trinity learns while she was out fighting the agents, Neo was having an affair with Sati (who’s been “keeping an eye out for him” for years), hence she gets a divorce. That brings us to The Matrix 7, which would be a Bollywood musical version, with all dancing, all singing cast, followed by The Matrix on Broadway. I’ll wrap with this quote from the Matrix Resurrections, “What we need are a series of cat videos, that we call The Catrix.” The original Matrix may have been a triumph of filmmaking but The Matrix 4 fails to switch on our synaptic lights.

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Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)
Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Written by Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Valentino St. Germain is an author, poet, recording artist and award-winning translator of Rumi. He is an Ascension Master and teacher of advanced spirituality

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