Random Evolution, Intelligent Singularity or Both? What’s the Johnson Deity?

Only a nano-percent of the global population is able to ponder a problem from various angles and genuinely comprehend numerous points of views at once. That leaves practically everyone else who can only view a situation from a single angle, their own. This is the reason for almost all of the ongoing crises on this planet. This planet hasn’t had a moment’s rest throughout our recorded history of roughly about 6000 years.

Imagination — A Rare Element

Another of our most valued talents is the gift of imagination. We honor and celebrate people with such gifts and they tend to become in many ways household names. These individuals are called trendsetters of major events in our history. They don’t necessarily need to be the actual innovators but could also be those who recognize industrial or cultural shifts before they fully emerge and help to bring them fort to the masses. For example, consider Nikola Testa as the real genius innovator and Thomas Edison as the visionary who understood the next level of our industrial and cultural revolution.

People React in Predictive Patterns

Often times those with real imagination are also the ones with the gift of multi-angle problem solving vision — but not always. Outside of those 2 groups, the rest of the planet simply reacts to new ideas in very predictive ways. Almost all new or radical ideas are always shunned. In fact, our planet has an extremely bloody history of eliminating the innovators and those whose ideas may shakeup the status quo at any time.

Love of Established Methods

Our planet for the most part is occupied by people who actually want to be guided and led. They feel that they need rules on morality and want to live their lives by someone else’s standards. This is a planet of high conformists; they do exactly what they are told. From the extremes of right and left, to north and south in any discipline, they are just following the established patterns with a familiar and predictable mindset.

Bikers, Rockers, Anarchists and Punks — Soldiers in Uniform

People desire and mimic what they see. They are also terrified of standing out, they just want to blend in. (That statement may sound puzzling at first, but it will become clear in a moment.) That’s because, when they think they are being different, weird or wild, they’re just following established patterns. Think of bikers (Hollywood movie types), all looking and wearing exactly the same clothing. Or people getting arm tattoos. They say they want to be different yet they end up looking like a cookie cutter of whatever transient social trend they choose to associate with. Or the Punk/New Wave cultural movement of the 70’s and 80’s, they said they’re radical and original, yet they all wore the same clothes, makeup and hairdos. Let’s not forget the glam and hard rock of the 80’s and 90’s with the standard issue tight pants and big hair. All those looks are so standardized that you can now buy them as Halloween costumes. From anarchists to conservatives, all are just soldiers in established uniforms following marching orders, yet they think of themselves as being original. There are countless such examples.

The 2-Solution Conflict

The public only debates what they are told to debate and the options are always limited to 2. Apparently, that’s all they can handle. Anytime you witness groups fighting over an ultra-simple 2 solution agenda, you can be sure that you’re seeing a manmade conflict meant to cause confusion and keep the public divided. If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that it’s always X vs Y (just fill the blanks) whereas the truth lives in the gray area and it’s always somewhere in the middle.

The Real Action is in the Middle

This centrist mindset is the cornerstone of mind and spirit enlightenment. Both Buddha and Rumi encouraged moderation with the phrase, walk the middle path.

Yoga Attracts the Biggest Bullies

It’s too easy to fall into extremism and fanaticism; all it takes is a closed mind that is easily prone to conditioning and a narrow point of view. There are fanatics in all aspects of life, especially in yoga and spirituality. We all know people in yoga centers or studios who look down on others who choose, quite smartly, not to worship a deity or guru. These yoga bullies have been programmed to feel superior for displaying a slaved mindset, instead of being self-empowered. They look down on others who choose not be mindless followers, because they have been conditioned to believe that it’s better to submit than to be empowered.

A Nation of ‘Nones’

Extremists may make the news, but they are part of a minority. Latest studies show a nation awakening from a long religious-induced hibernation. A massive 66 million of Americans now consider themselves the “nones,” or none of the above in terms of religious affiliation. This is fantastic news!

When “All” Meant Pancake Earth

Part of the reason for this unison consciousness awaking is our relatively recent right to freely speak our minds against dogmatic beliefs. This is high privilege that is denied to billions in various other countries. The other reason is that major religions have lost their grip in the US due to their hypocritical doctrine. The third reason is advancements in our understanding of the known universe. It was easy to believe in an old guy with beard pointing a finger as the source of all, when “all” meant a pancake flat Earth at the center of the heavens with a bunch of stars. But these ancient mind-control tactics geared toward an equally ancient naïve populace no longer work their spell.

OPTION 1: The Transitory “Random” Agenda

In the past century our physicists have made major advancements in unraveling many facets of the mysteries of our known universe. Some theories paint our universe as an eleven-dimensional multiverse. However, many physicists insist that the universal model is totally random.

Math is Random?

Merriam-Webster defines random as such: “without definite aim, direction, rule, or method” also “lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern.” How can a universe with long list of distinct laws be random? How can laws and rules such as gravity, polarity, action and reaction, chemical reactions, thermodynamics, electro magnetism, math formulas and countless other examples be a byproduct of a universe “without rule or method?” How can we send a probe to the far reaches of our solar system in a random universe? The immense number of calculations needed for one probe alone to achieve its mission easily defies a random universe.

Chemical Reactions are Random?

Math can’t exist in a random universe. Chemical reactions would provide different result at every try in a universe “without rule or method.” In fact, how can a chemical factory exist in a random universe? Water wouldn’t boil or freeze at a precise degree in a random universe. I can go on with hundred more such examples.

“Random” Explained

What most of our physicists mean by their concept of “random universe” is that there is no definite pattern to the design of the universe. That’s all. They say patterns develop “randomly” based on established laws. I agree with that statement, but this is a far cry from a totally random everything. I cringe, each time I hear Neil deGrasse Tyson insist on a random universe on some talk show. I am aware as a host of a TV show he reads scripts on a teleprompter, but that’s no excuse for spreading fake “science.”

OPTION 2: The ‘Johnson’ Deity

In the opposite camp, some in the religious community have created the concept of the definite Intelligent Design, pointing to a single architect responsible not only for the creation of the entire universe but also for every aspect of the physical manifestation and every second of the behavior of all that is, including us. They claim that there is no evolution, but a universe that is being formed day in and day out by hand by one man, who happens to be white and American (I think his last name maybe Johnson).

The Sadist Deity

Unfortunately, these religious types also believe that our planet, that has been around for nearly five billion years, is only six thousand years old and Jesus rode on dinosaurs. If their so-called Gods are that hands on with every aspect of human behavior, then their Gods are sadist. Just look at what we do to each other, every second of everyday, in every zip code in the world. It is a relief that in the US these evolution deniers are a minority and in no way represent the modern American mindset.

OPTION 3: Energy-with-Intent, Reactive Evolutionary Intelligence

As explained above, both arguments for creation of the universe are far from valid. I would argue however that we live in a universe that has been set in motion by a reactive intelligent evolutionary energy force that is unfolding randomly. How can our universe be both random and somewhat intelligent? If I were to break a rack of billiard balls although my action is intentional and by design, the result is certainly random. However, it’s not fully random because there are various laws of physics that affect the movement of the balls, such as the force and angle of the impact of the cue stick, the nature of the environment (billiard table) and the gravitational mass of the balls. Although the Big Bang is still a theory, but the concept of a sudden explosion of guided matter with distinct interactive laws makes sense.

Random with Intent

I believe that an energy-with-intent manifested the initial Big Bang, already impregnated with the laws of physics, but the outcome from milliseconds after the big explosion is based on evolutionary results.

Let Them Fall where They May

If our universe was exactly planned and designed, then every solar system would have an Earth like planet with a massive Jupiter to protect it from comets. We know today that the process of habitable planet formation is totally random.

Universal Energy — Without a Need for Intermediaries

I do believe that our universe is manifested by a force-with-intent, hence exhibiting some type of intelligence, but it’s not choreographed or planned. No planned agenda can be so chaotic. However, this creative energy source is far from the vengeful God of Abraham or Indian or Egyptian deities for that matter. What many presume as God is in fact the universal truth energy. And by remaining open minded and yearning for constant growth we can freely tap into this universal energy without a need for an intermediary. And through growth and evolution we may one day form our own realities that others may occupy.



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Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)
Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Written by Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Valentino St. Germain is an author, poet, recording artist and award-winning translator of Rumi. He is an Ascension Master and teacher of advanced spirituality

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