Q&A — True Spirituality Is Not About Submission, It’s About Empowerment — Why Everything You’ve Been Told About Spiritual Growth Has Been a Lie — Part 2

Angelika wrote,

It has been so refreshing reading your teachings on ascension. I don’t get it, why no one talks or shares new info in this way. I also belonged to an ashram, and totally agree with you with the extreme toxic environment and incessant pressure to give up will and be controlled by their system. People line up for it though. I was lucky to be able to walk away without being harassed by them, but it isn’t always easy. Do you also help to deprogram people? Do you coach privately as well?

Valentino St. Germain:

Hello Angelika, Thanks for reaching out and sharing your thoughts. I am ashamed to be a part of such a corrupt system of “spiritual teachers”, which focuses on base spirituality, guru worship, manipulative yoga culture, soul slavery and so on. It is near 99% corrupt. You see, people who are fed up with the severe hypocrisy of their religious institutions are duped into thinking that by switching to “spirituality” they can be freer. Nothing can be further from the truth. As I have written, there is no spiritual culture in the world. It does not exist. All so-called spiritual movements, are religion in disguise. People are programmed into thinking that Christianity is a religion, but Hinduism or Buddhism are spiritual. This is criminal and people fall for it every day. I already covered my Deity Swap and Alpha Addiction concepts in the previous discussion.

To answer your questions, yes, I do deprogram former cult followers. These are Westerners who were pulled into Hindu/yogic or Buddhist cults, or American standalone cults (there are so many). All spiritual and religious institutions are cults, they only differ in their size. And yes, to your second query too. I have been a mindset coach for a very long time, I call it mind/spirit/body/creativity. And unlike others, I try to bring transformation as quickly as possible, usually within just 3 sessions. However, my coaching is not open to the public, there is a selection process to determine if the student is ready for such high caliber transmission of knowledge and shift to a higher vibrational being.

Bruce wrote,

What are your thoughts on other well-known spiritual teachers, like Marianne Williamson.

Valentino St. Germain:

Hi Bruce, Thanks for reaching out. As I have said, there are 2 kinds of personal growth teachers. Those who focus on self-empowerment, and those who consider themselves “spiritual teachers.” The self-empowerment teachers smartly ignore “spirituality.” Because “spirituality” as currently being thought, is highly toxic and is about soul-slavery and dependency on external powers. 100% of these so called “spiritual teachers” are religious. In fact, they don’t know anything about the truth of being spiritual. Marianne Williamson is an old conservative Christian who preaches Christian light. Deepak Chopra is an old conservative Hindu, who preaches Hinduism (what a shocker). Dolores Cannon is one of the biggest BS artists in the world. In my personal opinion, she may have been the world’s greatest liar. But I don’t blame these teachers, I blame the students for being so gullible and naïve. All so called yogic or Buddhist “spiritual” teachers, are highly religious people and what they teach is a simple copy and paste of info, either from something they had read or told to by others. All others, are just Christian Light. It’s that simple.

Furthermore, anyone who wears a robe or a garb to prove they are spiritual, is in fact an antithesis to spirituality. True spirituality is about celebrating your unique spark and the true power of you, not becoming a mindless zombie. These people are extreme high conformists and they have freely given up their own power. This is the furthest thing from true spirituality.



Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Valentino St. Germain is an author, poet, recording artist and award-winning translator of Rumi. He is an Ascension Master and teacher of advanced spirituality