Q&A — True Spirituality Is Not About Submission, It’s About Empowerment — Why Everything You’ve Been Told About Spiritual Growth Has Been a Lie

Christiane wrote:

Dear Val, I find your insights so refreshing. They are so out of the mainstream of spirituality. This type of info just doesn’t exist. I have a question? Why all spiritual teachers preach submission and push for worship and bowing and kneeling if they are supposed to be about empowerment?

Val St. Germain:

Hi Christiane, It takes no effort to become a “spiritual” or a “yogic” teacher. All they have to do is watch a couple of YouTube videos and repeat the info. It’s all copy and paste. Also, the followers of religion and spirituality tend to be more naïve and easily duped, hence they are most preyed upon by shady characters. Humans make great target for cons, because they are not only high conformists, but they also suffer from Alpha Addiction.

Alpha Addiction

Alpha Addiction is a phrase I have coined to explain why humans so freely submit when it comes to their soul’s growth, and prefer an slaved mindset to an empowered one. They join a yoga studio for stretching and workout and they end up being converted to Hinduism and programmed into worshipping their gods. It’s the saddest thing I have seen. Relatively vibrant and smart looking people freely bow to foreign gods, just because they have been told to do so. Shocking really! The “namaste” programming must end.

Deity Swap

Deity Swap, is another phrase I have coined that explains how people have been programed to believe that by swapping Krishna for Jesus, or Buddha for Jehovah or the blood thirsty Kali for Mary, they somehow have advanced spiritually.

One of the Biggest Cons of All Time

Those who consider themselves spiritual, have been programmed to believe that if they bow to Jesus, they are religious, but if they bow to Krishna, they are spiritual. Wow!!!!! This is one of the biggest cons of all time.

The Answer is Never in the Mainstream

In the mainstream world of personal growth, there are two distinct types of teachers, self-empowerment and spirituality. Self-empowerment teachers, smartly, never delve into spirituality, and spiritual teachers, cunningly, never delve into self-empowerment (they wouldn’t know anything about it anyway). This is only in the mainstream of personal growth, where everything is extremely shallow and filled with misinformation.

My Unique Insight into the True Nature of Spirituality — I See Code — The 2%

My many lifetimes in pursuit of self-realization and my past 30 years of studying Rumi along with deep dives into ancient mystery schools plus my own powerful revelations and visitations by ascended masters and our ancient gods, have granted me unique insights into the true nature and purpose of spirituality. True spirituality is not about submission, it’s about empowerment. Sadly only 2% of you are ready for this message.

An Insider’s Perspective

I have the perfect insider’s perspective. I have been active, with my concerts and workshops, at some of the largest and most famous spiritual institutions in the US, all my adult life. In fact I grew up in them. In my 20s and 30s, I was a hardcore yogi and was attached to a mega international ashram, not just as a follower, but also in structure and leadership. After about 10 years with a steady climb the leadership, I simply walked away. I learned that for them it’s all about submission and a fully accommodating mindset, where terms like surrender to the guru, in any and all ways, including your body, your wealth and properties are hammered into followers’ mind like a dystopian mantra. I can also assure you, that none of these so-called gurus who claimed to be celibate, distain from any form of stimulants, including sex, orgies, drugs and alcohol. (I don’t care who does what, just don’t preach one thing and do another.) Not one was celibate (that’s why they all fell from grace), this also includes Buddhist “monks,” some of whom are on the run from international authorities for accusations of rape.

Soul Evolution: True Spirituality is not about Submission, it’s about Empowerment

I have brought into the mainstream, an advanced and totally unique teaching principle that combines both self-empowerment and true spiritual growth. I call it Soul Evolution.

Once you start questioning the Matrix, it will fall apart. For those who are ready for my teachings, my books on ascension and self-realization will transform their lives.




Valentino St. Germain (Shah Ram Shiva)

Valentino St. Germain is an author, poet, recording artist and award-winning translator of Rumi. He is an Ascension Master and teacher of advanced spirituality