Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Trial is a Choreographed, Staged, Blockbuster Day Time Soap Opera — Why Depp Already Won?

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial has quickly become one of the most watched day time shows on TV and streaming portals. Outlets such as the new Court TV and Law and Crime Network are reporting record breaking viewership with many millions of eyeballs. This trial is receiving so much public attention that is being compared with another media grabbing legal battle of O. J. Simpson that completely dominated all of media for months.
White Suit, On-Camera Hugs, Giggles and Laughs
Team Depp appears as more media savvy than its rival; it also has the staging advantage of being seated closer to the cameras. (They are also placed closer to the jury.) Mr. Depp’s legal team seems to be fully aware of this on-camera staging advantage and is putting on a show for the viewers at home and for the jury. Team Heard is barely visible on cameras and Ms. Heard’s profile only comes into focus during closeups. I consider that a disadvantage for her team.
Camille Vasquez’s Tactical Gambit
I was initially surprised to see attorney Camille Vasquez’s public display of affection toward Mr. Depp, her client. Her on-camera flirts and hugs with Mr. Depp made headlines with rumors of romance brewing between the two. After digging in further, I began to discover a pattern of viewer and jury manipulation by Ms. Vasquez. This trial is such a blockbuster hit that it would be foolish for the legal teams not to take advantage of the massive coverage. However, only Team Depp seems to be acting on this phenomenon.
“Camille’s OK with Johnny, He Must Be a Nice Guy”
Ms. Vasquez and Ms. Heard are the same age (a year apart) and when a smart, independent and successful woman who is the same age as the defendant in this trial shows on-camera affection toward Mr. Depp, this triggers the jury and the viewers to think that Mr. Depp is actually a nice guy who’s wrongfully accused. This is a clever tactic and seems to be working.

Giggles During Testimony of Witnesses for the Other Team
Another maneuver by Team Depp that seems to be successful in winning the public opinion is giggles during video testimony of witnesses for Ms. Heard. Team Depp instead of paying attention to what’s being played on their monitors it seems to be making fun of it with whispers and funny anecdotes. This triggers the jury into thinking that the witnesses are not credible. That’s another successful strategy.

The White Angel of Justice Protecting Mr. Depp?
Throughout the trial Ms. Vasquez wears dark colored, professional attire, however, on the day of the cross examination of Ms. Heard she wore all white. Her choice of an all-white outfit wasn’t random. Her intention was to appear as some type of an angel defending the soul of Johnny Depp who’s been wronged by a “Jezebel.” That was yet another shrewd move by Team Depp — this time with biblical references.
Johnny Depp Has Already Won
The media has been reporting that Mr. Depp’s popularity has increased since the trial. I also believe that this trial is so biased toward Mr. Depp, especially with the camera staging advantage and his team’s clever on-camera manipulation of jury and viewers alike, that I can’t think of any way at all that Mr. Depp would lose this round. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ms. Heard cries foul. Mr. Depp even received the support of the group, Mission NGO, an organization protecting abused women and children. Mission is an Italian-based NGO, and fronted by former Miss Italy Valeria Altobelli. I believe that the jurors may have been 80% sold on Mr. Depp’s testimony, but after the testimony of Ms. Heard, who came across as evasive, cold, rehearsed and calculating (with constant glances at the jury members looking to manipulate them into leaning to her side), it is my belief that the jury has already made up its mind in favor of Mr. Depp.
Amber Heard Single Handedly Lowered the Market Value of Blondes
Ms. Heard’s alleged cold, detached, calculating and heartless scheme to bring down Mr. Depp by any means necessary with the assistance of her crew of so-called friends who were all living off of Mr. Depp (for free) in luxurious penthouses and enjoying $500 a bottle glasses of Vega Sicilia wine, is the stuff of movies. Here’s a brief list of some of the actions allegedly taken by Amber Heard: wearing dark makeup (bruise kit) to appear as having been abused (here’s a quick video on YouTube where she admits to using a bruise kit, before correcting herself), intentionally destroying property with the sole purpose of blaming it on Mr. Depp, planting fake evidence, lying under oath, lying to the police, spreading negative and damaging narrative to intentionally hurt Depp’s reputation, willfully trying to destroy Depp’s career and so on. I wrote in my previous article on this trial that this is a Neo Noir story and she is a cliché Femme Fatale. In Noir films the Femme Fatale always loses. I wouldn’t be surprised that after this trial the usage of prenups increase many folds, specially if the potential spouse is a blonde. Amber Heard just caused a market crash for legally binding blonde consorts of wealthy men.
Two Products of Negative Childhood Programming on Full Display
As a teacher of advanced spirituality and personal growth, I frequently refer to the term Childhood Programming in my talks, workshops and writings. Childhood Programming is the engine that runs the behavior of 100% of the people on this planet. Every single person regardless of their education, income or rank is a victim and hence a byproduct of their childhood experiences. In order for us to be able to truly grow mentally and spiritually we need to learn to overcome our childhood conditioning. I limit the effects of Childhood Programming on our psyche from 0 to 10. That means from the moment of our birth until about 10 years old. I am aware that some set the limit to 7 years, and others to the point of puberty, but since no age cut off period can work for all the people on this planet, I feel that 10 years is a safe compromise.
All the World’s Problems are Due to Childhood Programming
Without any exception, all of our global struggles and conflicts can be directly linked to childhood issues. Every single ruler of a country suffers from it. Most actors and comedians are direct byproducts of some type of negative childhood reinforcement. For example, unless you learn to evolve beyond it, the religion and country of your birth will fully dictate your pattern of behavior for the rest of your life. And this narrow field of vision will forever create animosity between you and others.
Is Elon Musk Next?
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are both products of childhood abuse. The parental figures for both individuals beat them. They both in turn associate beatings and talk downs to expressions of love. In fact, such individuals seek and are attracted to those with similar patterns of Childhood Programming, hence face a perpetual cycle of repeating such behaviors. Is Elon Musk the next victim?

1. Since the release of this article a few days ago and a burst of media reports on the on-camera display of affection between Ms. Vasquez and Mr. Depp, all such actions by Team Depp have stopped. It’s impressive how they changed strategy rather instantly and prevented the distractions to continue. I think I made it clear that the tactics used were in fact quite successful, hence there was no need to switch strategy, however, since the cat was out of the bag, they may have felt that it was time to change up the vibe a bit.
2. Am I the only one who is puzzled by the lack of credibility of the so-called experts that were introduced by Team Heard. Where do they find these people? How can seemingly established law firms with deep pockets offer such bizarre group of “experts” (for such a high-profile case) that can be debunked and ridiculed almost instantly by Team Depp? The attorneys for Mr. Depp come across as light years more experienced, focused and dedicated than Team Heard — also more likeable.
1. Mr. Depp used the following phrases to describe what it has been like listening to Amber Heard’s testimony in this trial: Insane, Horrible. Ridiculous, Humiliating, Ludicrous, Painful, Savage, Unimaginably Brutal, Cruel and All False. The way advertising and product promotions work on this planet, I wouldn’t be surprised if French luxury brands release perfumes with such titles. “Savage” is already a perfume, but I could see Chanel releasing “Unimaginably Brutal,” or D&G would put out ”Cruel.”
2. Team Heard should have never put Ms. Heard on the stand. They would have had a much stronger case without her poor performance. By talking for days with statements that later on were rebuked by witnesses she unfortunately ruined her credibility and seriously perjured herself.
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